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45 Total Grabs. ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯Preview﷯﷯ | ﷯﷯Get the Code﷯﷯ ﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯6﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯Seasons﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯Rating: 3.3 (3 Ratings)﷯﷯1665 Grabs Today. 7140 Total Grabs. ﷯ BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Universiti Teknologi Mara

Universiti Teknologi Mara

Monday, April 19, 2010


Permasaalahan pembuangan bayi yang kian meruncing di Negara ini adalah sesuatu perkara yang amat mendukacitakan bagi sesebuah Negara Islam. Malah, Kebiasaannya, mereka yang terlibat dalam jenayah itu adalah dari orang Melayu yang beragama Islam. Hanya pasangan yang belum berkahwin sahaja yang tergamak membuang bayi, dimana mereka ingin menutup malu ataupun tidak mahu menangung beban untuk menjaga bayi tidakkan mudah diambil iaitu buang bayi. Mungkin hukuman yang ada sekarang ini masih belum cukup menakutkan mereka. Tetapi tidak sedarkah mereka akan tindakan yang mereka lakukan ini dengan balasan yang akan menimpa mereka kelak.

Berhubung dengan hukuman syariah yang menyatakan mana-mana lelaki atau perempuan yang melakukan zina sekiranya disabitkan kesalahan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM5000, atau dipenjara selama tiga tahun atau disebat tidak melebihi enam kali sebatan atau mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu. Begitu juga dengan hukuman yang diletakkan bagi seorang wanita yang melahirkan anak yang cukup sifat dalam tempoh kurang enam bulan qamariah daripada tarikh pernikahannya atau hamil luar nikah akibat persetubuhan. Cuma jumlah hukuman penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun. Malah, jarang sekali kita lihat seseorang itu disabitkan kesalahan berikut jika dibandingkan dengan jenayah yang berlaku.

Apakah hukuman yang diletakkan mahkamah syariah ini berpatutan dengan jenayah yang mereka lakukan? Dimanakah letaknya nilai kemanusiaan sekiranya nilai nyawa bayi yang teraniaya dibayar dengan wang ringgit sahaja? Menurut statistik yang diperoleh dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman, kes pembuangan bayi dari tahun 2000 hingga 2006 adalah seramai 580 bayi. Manakala, statistik yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara pula menyatakan seramai 257,411 sijil pendaftaran kelahiran anak tidak sah taraf dicatatkan dari tahun 2000 hingga julai 2008.

Jumlah yang dicatatkan ini amatlah membimbangkan kerana ia kian bertambah dari masa ke semasa. Ini membuktikan mereka semakin berani menentang undang-undang yang sedia ada. Hanya sekiranya kita mempraktikkan hukuman Islam yang sebenar iaitu Hudud dalam sistem perundangan syariah Malaysia maka jenayah ini dapat ditangani. Hukum hudud bagi pesalah zina yang sudah berkahwin adalah rejam dengan batu sehingga mati dari empat penjuru dengan seluruh badan mereka ditimbus dengan tanah. Penzina yang belum berkahwin pula disebat sebanyak 100 kali dikhalayak ramai. Kes pembuangan bayi pula boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu dianggap sebagai pembunuh dan hukuman yang dikenakan bagi pembunuh ialah qisas dimana hukuman yang dijatuhkan adalah dibalas dengan bunuh juga.

Hukuman Hudud ini sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang kejam seperti yang dinyatakan oleh sesetengah pihak. Hukum hudud adalah bersifat mencegah dari mengubati. Hal ini kerana tiada siapa yang berani untuk menghadapi hukuman tersebut dan mereka pastinya akan mengelakkan diri dari terjebak ke lembah yang boleh membinasakan diri mereka. Hukuman ini juga akan dijadikan pengajaran kerana setiap hukuman hudud dilakukan dikhalayak ramai. Oleh itu, hukuman ini perlu diaplikasikan kepada seluruh umat manusia, baik kaum muslimin mahupun sebaliknya kerana syariat Islam diturunkan untuk seluruh manusia. Kita sebagai muslim haruslah yakin bahawa undang-undang Allah sahajalah yang akan membawa keharmonian dan berusaha untuk mengakkan syariat Islam dimuka bumi ini.



Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Dr Ahmad Fadzli Yaakob Versatile Person

Dr Ahmad Fadzli Yaakob or nickname Dr Fazley Yaakob. He born at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan on 18th April 1978.Fazley is an Malaysian icon in the world entertainment respected as a great and could be perceived as young figure Malay morale trigger and free motivational speaker apart from such as singer , actor , composer and host.

Dr Fazley getting married with love wife Azarene Soraya is now child it Ahmad Fariedz (Payish) and Ahmad Fieradz ( Piyash).It is first grandchild open fourth family generation Fazley family.

Before this he hold Diploma from Taylor College Kuala Lumpur followed degree from Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand, Master in Business Administration from United Kingdom and then he has own Doctor of Business Administration from United Kingdom.

Now he has holding post , Dr Fazley is  Vice President and  Executive  Director in  Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) , Management Director Seri Anjung  Seri Production, Executive Director and Organizer Fazley International College (FIC) . He has columnist still as did produce motivation article for variety print Media mainstream such as E-Baca, Mangga, Skor SPM, Remaja and Utusan Malaysia and also to he age it still not yet hit 30 years old.

Development he in field of arts has been proven after child it grow, he has arrangement to return in the come back of arts industry after nearly a year make lonely self. Song the concept modern dance and relax can be intriguing that had long wait for album with the country economic condition optimist hindered to be doing promotion album. He idol likes Akon and Jason Mraz to give rules improve the albums and also he can play an instruments such as piano, guitar, drum bass ,and others. He also have acted before in drama projected at Astro and is first comedy drama acted by him. Apart from that ,a few acting offer more but was still in the process of discussion. Dr Fazley has International Fazley Production that manage about art industry and all thing.

Touches on academic, Fazley increasingly profitable provide motivation say: service and effort in presenting motivation module focusing to individual personal development and direction getting increasingly corporate company attention and government. He also Ambassador Kamus Elektronik Besta MD Product 800 and it was friendly consumer and suitable to complement learning world by efficient not only worth for student group in fact function diversity. He can be affect give their student in primary school and secondary school or high institution but his success also gives them to international development. In this young motivator, he introduce Motivation System with Dr Fazley and get sponsor by Celcom, where can get tips for motivate itself.  

Dr Fazley is such an entrepreneur that even before his Fazley International College (FIC) has become a full fledged, internationally college, he has already set his sights on other bigger things such as Fazley International Collection which deals with fashion and Fazley International Dance Academy due to his wife wealth of experience in dance. He had some focus and follows through whatever he has on his plate first till he become extremely successful in the venture before he starts another.

From that, the achievement has as one of awards Belia Cemerlang Negara and chosen as final candidates by categories career for Awards Duta Belia Negara 2004. He has qualify get award from palace such as A.D.K and A.M.K because the charismaristic which indicated.

What can be said, Dr Fazley to me so amazed by success our life because he is versatile person can be young entrepreneur, motivator, artist, composer and responsibilities about family. It is a personal features, I find and dream of becoming such as because great achievement owned now.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera.

Hay everybody, my name is Aidi Emizul Rasidi also known as EDY,EMIL,AIDID,AIDI,AIDIL,@ My birthday will be on 5.5.1986, will going to be 24 this year(2010), I’m live in ipoh-shah alam-KL,Malaysia. I’m such an Ordinary person, sometimes quite talkative, work hard and also love to study. Thank to god that I have such a lovely family, my mom and dad and my siblings.

About me that you need to know is, I’m such a simple guy but do believe that everyone got their own character, It’s our responsible to respect others, single and available, stubborn of course, Handsome and cute, maybe, no comment about it!!. I’m a mix typical Malays, my Ethnicity is Asian boy, my religion Muslim. My body types is average height 181 cm(5 feet 5 inch )and my weight 68 kg. I love to smile, being cheerful, caring, and independent guy, can consider myself as a mature enough to take things seriously.

Personally, I love to Dance, Singing, Acting, Travelling, Rock Climbing, Playing Basketball, Futsal, Shoping, Chating, Bowling, Pensive ,Talk on the phone, Eating, Sleeping, Sms friends ,Takinh picture ,Dreaming, Decorating, and go to casting .Before this I’m taking my Diploma in Art Management at UiTM Puncak Perdana about 3 years started from 2006-2009. I get more experience before this from years to years. In 2009, I attend an audition for Modeling Context from Naz Modeling Kuala Lumpur, involved theatre 'Mana Setanginya'as performer dancer, and actors in Istana Budaya Kuala Lumpur. In 2008, I’m involved extra actors shooting film 'Lu Pikirlah Sendiri The Movie' directing by Mrs Aminah Rhapor, Attend to Project Runway Modeling for Jelita Magazines. In 2007, going for audition Reality Program One In Million and I success untill second stage but I’m not really confident after being in next level because I’m to nervous to do it. I’m also performing some dance Latin and Contemporary Dance in Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur.Work Experience, I started from Food And Beverage Department in all hotel in a year 2004-2005(Hotel Syuen Ipoh),2006(Casuarina Hotel)and in a mean time I’m doing some of my part as a waiter in Shangrila Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Genting Awana, Sunway Resort, Hilton Hotel Kl Sentral, Pan Pac Pacific Hotel Klia, and Palace of Golden Horses. Depends on me whether I will be free on that day or not.Then starting from 2010-2012 I’m taking MC226 -Bachelor of Communication (Instructional Communication And Training). I’m always enjoyed communicated, as I believe that’s makes the world go around. As most of us would compete each other to perform well and I hope I will done well in my degree because I want my dream to come true. My heroes Allah SWT, Nabi Muhammad and my parents and also my self too because I want to be a success in my future.

I Love to Watch movie since I was 17, Harry Potter, I love to watch it until now, Transformers. The one with lot of action thing inside that film and to be honest I really respect the director. I really love Song RNB AND indie band. Deepens on my mood, such as Enrique Iglesia feat Ciara Taking Back My Love,Ne-yo Miss Independent,Chris Brown I can Transform Ya, Kid Cudi Day Night, jay Sean Do You Remember, owl City Firefiles, Lady Gaga Poker face, Bad Romance,indi band such as Bunkface Porm Queen, Situasi, Cobra Starship Hot Mess, metro Station Shake It. I like to read such as Education book: Sociology, Introduction to Communication and Media Studies, Effective Speaking, Thinking And Writing Strategies, Issues in Modern Malaysia.

I'm still in the verged of knowing myself, trying to adjust my surroundings its really hard when there eyes who always stares on you watching every move you make, and expecting lots from you but then, i can really improve myself throughly. That Me!! getting prepare to thing more unpredictable in the near future one who can live to Fullest of Its Enjoyment!!!! And I know life is ''Pretty Enough to be Taken for Granted''.Ever since I was born, I have been through a crazy ride. Life brings bad and good to the tale unexpected. You learn your lesson through mistakes. You love and hate. You realize many things and you learn to appreciate what you have. I dislike people walking on earth swearing at everything and anything that passes their life. "I don't give a Head [!!!] , I do what I want, It's My life!!!" Want to know what I think about them? I think that people who live like that is for a major reason. Kids who don't grow up with parents; kids who saw violence at a young age; kids who suffered. People who say they don't care what others think, or that they don't get offended; its because they do care and they do get offended. I have encountered many. life is chaos. Deal with it the right way.Turn yourself into the boss of your life. Make everyday as good as possible. Do not Follow others lead. Do not worry your self to death. Do not depend on your friends, on your girlfriend, on your boyfriend, You live your life yourself. No one has to make decisions for you.

This is my first assignment from LIB 401 Thinking & Strategies handling my loving gorgeous lecturer Miss Hamimda Agil.She is very good lecturer but I know sometimes she can be a friends or sister because she makes so friendly and always smile in class. The woman that have charisma, professional and responsibility as lecturer. My blog nickname, I prefer to put CMC(Creative Media Communication)Creative that means characterized by originality have ability to create something different about blog an original and new idea. Media is a tools or communication medium development process. Communication to directly or through an intermediary of blog. In this blog can be a create new idea, comment, advise, information and so on.So everyone can share with me about this blog hopefully succes and but then some comments, idea or info not be insult, criminal or discrimination so too bad. I hope for professional level to describe about blog. 

Actually the blog that I have been wrote mostly describe about the colour and graphic design, because colour its characteristics of the perceiving eye and brain and graphic design layout focus on visual communication and presentation that means combination used to create idea and message. My blog layout more to black colour, most very formal and elegant. Black symbolizes culture, give life, mysterious, providing a sense of potential and possibility. Purple is the color of spiritual fulfillment, mystery and as well as royalty.Graphic layout to give me some creative for my idea can be functional or artistic.

The opportunity to see all that is luxury. Anywhere enough already. Just do comment some interesting think in my comments section. Or yet still, try to come up with something creativity that would be interesting. Till the next update..Thank You guys and also Miss Mimi I hope your enjoy see my blog and then give me an extra marks excellent.......I love MC226 Part 1 Teamwork.....So Lucky...



The product I want to advertise in this blog is the iPad. The iPad introductory date is on January 27, 2010. It is firstly introduced as much-anticipated media tablet computer by Apple. I am going to explain about the technical specification of the iPad.The iPad  display size is 4:3 aspect ratio,9.7 inch diameter (20 cm x 15 cm),display technology IPS LCD and LED backlight. The iPad a graphics design 1027 x 768 pixy (XGA) , 132 ppi 720p video. The processor include 1 GHz Apple A4,storage flash -16 32,64 GB. can used downloadable Wi-Fi and optional 3G service through user’s computer. The  iPad uses a that will lose a portion of its capacity each year also may not replace their own iPad batteries, The iPad weight is 680 g x 730 g and dimension 24.3 cm x 19.0 cm x 1.3 cm.The  iPad controlled using the multi touch screen that takes up most of the device’s front side. The  also has external buttons for sleep, screen lock and controlling the volume as well as a button to return to the home screen. It offers multi touch interaction with multimedia formats including newspapers, eBooks, textbooks, photos, movies magazines, TV Shows video, music, word processing documents, video games and spreadsheets. It also includes a mobile version of Safari for internet browsing, as well as access to the apple store, iTunes Library, i books store, contacts and notepad.


The target audience for iPad is young adults and adults. These two the ages are targeted because they have different perspectives about life. The young adults aged 18-24 pay more attention to outcomes associated with the transition. Majority of them in this age range are students. Therefore, the iPad can be made as the young adults important needs. They can use it for many purposes such as doing their assignment and others things related to the iPad functions. Nowadays, students need the iPad to facilitate their study.

On the other hand, adults aged 25-50 are more mature people. Therefore, this iPad is suitable for people in this age range who wants to have an elite, elegant, corporate look that will also help in the development of their social status. These adults are more consistent in life and they can make their own decisions. This is because at this age level, they would have their own money and can afford to have the best product they desire such as the . Currently, there are too many products in the market that grow rapidly due to the rapid development of technology. This creates various problems in the society as they are not thinking wisely in choosing product that has quality and long lasting. This will cause large problems to the individuals regarding to the products they buy. This is because it would be such a waste to the society if those products bought are not accredited by the authority.


When a company like Apple creates a device like the iPad they must have a target audience in mind. Nobody creates a device like this , least of apple without knowing a lot about the people they want to buy it. So the product promise is a it seems like such as a waste of a new product and technology . It s my opinion iPad has a differentiated market segmentation characterized I age, gender and desire for image. It is targeted towards, the people have can used to the iPad can be promise a full keyboard less laptop, not a key board less media. In general , iPad  is designed for anyone interested in carrying the equivalent of hundreds things. numerous other files , I n a small ,easy to use design that and fits in carry anywhere.


The product solve the problem and manage to achieve something so much more advanced .This is mysterious when we look at product at a surface level. But things start to make sense when our focus from the solve problems, to the choice of which problems to solve. Normally when look at iPad is this facilitate something wish to be done because, iPad compared product previously that effective. Problem will not arise if using iPad because improve the service functions that great and remains ancient and was not easy damaged. Already society no need buy mobile phone which possess 3G,because iPad all own its facilities laptop previously no function for that, but now have. iPad don’t have to buy mouse or use button because iPad now already that modern and it would facilitate consumer. Use iPad also not burden because hard note can resolved quickly namely when inside down to the individual information search , iPad can helps by making record easily.


The product did it work controllers using the multi touch screen that takes up most of the device’s front side. The iPad also has external buttons for sleep , screen rotation lock and controlling the volume as well as button to return to the Nome screen. It also has an for motion sensitivity and digital magnetic compass. The switch that was originally mute the device was replaced by a button that locks the device’s screen rotation before the device released, which was reportedly intended to improve the device ease of use when lying down.


The product offer having distinctive good value an enable users can use better with are iPad. From the iPad can be make a benefit use like from well designed extension to the iPad product line, was looking for great can innovative input method , a compelling industrial design that meet the need for protection. So the iPad that great price point. The base price is 3G version 16 GB RM 2160, 32 GB RM 2500 and 64 GB RM 2848 then without 3G version 16 GB RM 1714, 32 GB RM 2057 and 64 GB RM 2400. That high price would have given to competitors that want to reinforce. Even though , this price point shows it is going for the broad market. The iPad have a video perfect for watching movies ,podcasts, music video , TV shows and more. Video aspect , which own high resolution make iPad becomes perfect set to see video preview else. The iPad also give a photo a clear and elegant with software unique. The iPad is fancy way to success. For example photo featuring inside photographs album as if uses Apple Camera Optional Connection. The iPad can stay hear all music with speaker built in or with cable or noncable Bluetooth headphone. The iPad get a spotlight seeks make possible to seek out data be in iPad and data be at all application built in including mail, contact ,calendar ,iPod and notes.

This iPad is a must get product in the market. Everyone should buy one for themselves as it suits nowadays needs of technology. So, what are you waiting for? Go grab yourself an iPad now!